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Winston Salem Christian School is continually seeking potential partnerships with businesses like yours that share a commitment to supporting the development of young talents and preparing them for their journey from education to career. WSCS is invested in equipping our students with the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary for success in their future endeavors.

By collaborating with Winston Salem Christian School, your business has the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of our students and contribute to the local community in Winston Salem Forsyth County. We believe that partnering with businesses plays a crucial role in enhancing the educational experience of our students and preparing them for the challenges of the professional world.

How can you partner:

Internship/Apprenticeship Opportunities: Provide internship opportunities for our high school students, allowing them to gain real-world experience in your industry.  These have proven successful for both student and business whether they are defined within a quarter, semester, annual, or even summer period of time.  Maybe your business doesn't offer compensation for these types of partnerships. No problem!  High school students at WSCS are required to log 50 service hours annually, making it mutually beneficial. 

Mentorship Programs: Engage your employees as mentors to guide and inspire our students, offering valuable insights and advice as they navigate their educational and career paths.

Guest Speaker Series: Participate in our guest speaker series called “Workforce Wednesdays”, where leading professionals from various industries share their experiences and expertise with our students. Wednesdays are not free? WSCS student services can be flexible and invite a group of interested students on another day of the week as well.

Sponsorship and Scholarships: Contribute to our scholarship programs, sponsor school events, or adopt an area of campus where we can display your contributions as your business or organization supports students in their academic and extracurricular pursuits.

Facility Tours and Workshops: Host tours of your facilities or conduct workshops to expose students to different career opportunities and industries.  Allow us to host a tour for your group.  We can provide a team-building activity on campus, or even provide a case study of Winston Salem Christian School's industry relevant infrastructure and assets.  Learn how we are using Surveillance, WiFi Networks, 3D Printers, Laser Technologies, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Adobe Creative Cloud, etc. in ways that may benefit your business as well. 

We believe that by working together, we can create a synergy that benefits both your business and our students. If you are interested in exploring this partnership further or have any specific ideas in mind, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are open to discussing customized collaboration opportunities that align with the goals and values of your organization.

Thank you for considering this partnership opportunity. We look forward to the possibility of working together to empower and inspire the next generation of leaders.

Email to allow us to contact you.

2024-25 Vocational Partners